SCFHA Membership
When you join the SCFHA you will be a part of a community that shares a common love for the Friesian horse breed and will join others who want to promote pure bred Friesian horse education, recreation and mutual love for this magnificent breed. You will receive Newsflashes featuring photos and articles related to SCFHA member accomplishments and activities. We meet from time to time to share food, fun and information.
Membership renewal is January 31 of every year.
Full Member 〜 $40.00/year Member of KFPS/FHANA in good standing. Full members have voting rights and are allowed to run for board positions.
Use the PayPal link below:
Associate Member 〜 $30.00/year Do not have to be a member of KFPS/FHANA. Can be a FHANA member, Non-FHANA member, an Associate member of FHANA, or a Full member of another FHANA chapter. Associate members will not be allowed to vote or run for a board position.
Use the PayPal link below:
To join the SCFHA by mail, please print and complete the form below. Make check out to SCFHA and mail your form and check to:
Karen Rosenberg
3196 CR 3359
Saltillo, TX 75478
South Central Friesian Horse Association
ARTICLE I: Name, Legal Authority and Qualification for Membership
1. President The name of the Chapter shall be “South Central Friesian Horse Association,” hereafter referred to as the SCFHA.
2. Membership of the SCFHA is open to anyone with an interest in the Friesian horse.
3. Any use of the SCFHA name and/or logo needs be pre-approved by the SCFHA Board.
ARTICLE II: Goals of the SCFHA and Manner of Achieving Same.
Our purpose is to promote and preserve the purebred Friesian horse and the KFPS/FHANA by providing a platform for breed specific information, education, recreation, and sharing in a common love of the Friesian horse.
1. SCFHA will accomplish this goal by recognizing all the rules, regulations and statutes established by Koninklijke Vereniging “Het Friesch Paarden Stamboek” (KFPS), which is the Friesian horse stud book authority in the Netherlands and its North American affiliate, the Friesian Horse Association of North America (FHANA). We will promote and support our stud book.
2. The SCFHA will abide by the Rules and Regulations for Chapters affiliated with FHANA and Rules and Regulations of FHANA, hereafter referred to as Rules and Regulations.
3. If requested by FHANA, SCFHA may host the FHANA/KFPS Friesian horse inspection.
4. The SCFHA may provide social activities to unite the South Central states’ Friesian horse owners and enthusiasts.
5. In the event that the SCFHA is dissolved voluntarily or involuntarily, at the discretion of the SCFHA Board the balance of the assets will be donated to the Fenway Foundation for Friesian Horses or other animal charity or rescue.
ARTICLE III: Membership, Conditions of Entry and Termination.
1. There shall be two categories of members, namely:
a. Full Membership
b. Associate Membership
a. FULL MEMBERSHIP: One or more members of a family who are citizens or residents within the United States of America or Canada and are Full members or Sport/Pleasure members of FHANA can become a Full Member of the SCFHA. The family must be in good standing with FHANA and adheres to our pure breeding guidelines in accordance with the KFPS/FHANA. For the purpose of this category, a family is defined as husband and/or wife or domestic partners and children under the age of eighteen (18) years. A family in good standing is entitled to one vote in SCFHA proceedings and one member of the family who is at least eighteen (18) years old is eligible for election to the Board. A full member of another FHANA chapter may not be a full member of the SCFHA.
b. ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP: Any person who has an interest in the Friesian horse, who is a FHANA member, non-FHANA member, an Associate member of FHANA, or is a Full member of another FHANA chapter can become an Associate Member of the SCFHA. An Associate Member is not entitled to vote in SCFHA proceedings, may not nominate someone to the Board, and is not eligible for election to the Board.
2. Any member wishing to resign from the SCFHA shall give notice to that effect in writing to the SCFHA Secretary. The SCFHA will accept the resignation upon receipt of any outstanding fees and assessments.
3. Membership may be suspended or terminated at the request of the Board or by request and vote of the membership.
a. Membership may be suspended or terminated at the request of the SCFHA Board or by request and vote of the SCFHA membership for alleged misconduct prejudicial to the best interests of SCFHA or the breed, such as, but not limited to: violation of any rule or regulation as specified in the Bylaws of the SCFHA, or the Rules and Regulations, or deals unfairly with the SCFHA or its members, or misconduct or behavior injurious to the SCFHA, or fails to fulfill obligations including payment of fees and or assessments, is liable to be suspended from all or any of the privileges of the SCFHA for such period or periods as the Board determines, or be expelled by the Board. A member so charged must be given at least thirty (30) days notice of the meeting at which the Board will consider the suspension or expulsion.
b. Any three members in good standing and entitled to vote can submit a request to suspend or terminate a member who is considered guilty of conduct unbecoming a member of the SCFHA. A member so charged has the right to appear before the Board to make proper defense. On receipt of the request for such motion, the Secretary on behalf of the Board must notify the member so charged at least thirty (30) days prior to the meeting of the Board which will consider the suspension or termination. At least one member making the charge must be present in person to propose the motion at the meeting. In the event that the member so charged is unable to be present at the membership meeting at which the motion for the suspension or termination is passed. The member has the right to appeal the decision at the next Board meeting.
c. Any member suspended from privileges of the KFPS, FHANA, or any other FHANA chapter shall automatically be suspended from privileges of the SCFHA for a like period of time.
4. Suspension or termination of membership, whether voluntary or involuntary, does not release a member from the liability for any fees or assessments.
ARTICLE IV: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer
1. The SCFHA shall be governed by a Board consisting of a President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer.
2. The Board is responsible for managing the business of the SCFHA to achieve its goals by exercising all such powers of the SCFHA as outlined by these Bylaws and for the time being in force in approved Rules and Regulations. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Board shall exercise the following powers:
a. To maintain the Rules and Regulations which govern the routine affairs of the SCFHA. Additions or alteration will be proposed by the Board in accordance with Article VII.
b. To designate the bank of the SCFHA and to determine from time to time who shall have signing authority for transactions involving the bank account or account of the SCFHA.
c. To institute, conduct, defend, compound or abandon any legal proceeding by or against the SCFHA or the Board or staff or otherwise concerning the affairs of the SCFHA and also to compound and allow time for payment or settlement of any debts due and of any claims or demands by or against the SCFHA.
3. The duties of the Board shall be as follows:
a. The President shall preside at all Board and membership meetings of the SCFHA, enforce the Bylaws and the Rules and Regulations, and generally supervise the affairs of the SCFHA.
b. The Vice President shall officiate in the absence of the President and assist the President in the discharge of his duties.
c. The Secretary shall assist board in duties and during every meeting of the Board and/or membership meetings, minutes shall be kept. Both the President and the Secretary shall affix their signatures to the minutes after the minutes have been officially accepted by the Board.
d. The Treasurer shall monitor and oversee all financial transactions and records of the account of the SCFHA and may recommend appropriate audits.
e. The Board shall appoint a FHANA chapter representative and a FHANA chapter contact.
4. The Board may delegate any of the powers to committees consisting of members in good standing.
5. The term of office of the Board shall be 2 year terms and shall be set on opposite years to help promote stability. Board terms will be as follows:
a. President and Secretary shall be elected to assume office beginning in odd numbered years (2017, 2019, etc.)
b. Vice President and Treasurer shall be elected to assume office beginning in odd numbered years. (2018, 2020, etc.)
c. Beginning February 11, 2017, Board members seated in positions that have been eliminated with these Bylaws as amended and restated as of February 11, 2017, shall be assigned to open positions by the Board.
d. Retiring Board members are eligible for re-election.
6. The election of the Board shall be conducted as follows:
a. Between November 1 and November 7, SCFHA shall distribute to each Full Member a notice that the SCFHA will receive nominations for the Board. Nominations will be accepted through November 30. Only a Full Member of SCFHA may make a nomination, and the nominee must consent to such nomination.
b. Members shall vote (one vote per family) for the election of the Board by completing the ballot.
c. Should a tie vote occur, the President or Secretary shall have a casting vote to determine who shall be elected and will so certify.
d. The results of the election shall be announced at the Annual General Meeting.
7. In the event of an open position or a Board member is unable to complete his/her term of office or is removed from office, the Board may at their discretion, appoint another member to fill the vacancy until the next election for that position.
ARTICLE V: Accounts, Signing Authority, Safe Keeping and Audit.
1. The Board shall cause true accounts to be kept of the sums of money received and expended by the SCFHA and the matters in respect of which such receipts and expenditures take place. The books shall be kept by the Treasurer, and the Board may authorize hiring a bookkeeper to assist the Treasurer. The Board shall designate two board members as signers on the account and may authorize the bookkeeper as a signer on the account.
2. The books shall always be open to the inspection of the Board. The Board may appoint two members to audit the accounts of the SCFHA. Any such audit will be considered by the membership at the next membership meeting.
3. The financial year of the SCFHA shall terminate on the 31st day of January in each year or on such other date as the Board may from time to time determine by resolution.
ARTICLE VI: Meetings
1. The Board shall meet at least once annually and as often as necessary.
2. Meetings of the membership shall be held in every calendar year at such time and place as the Board may appoint.
3. The Board shall conduct the SCFHA Annual General Meeting to announce the results of the election of the Board members, review the Chapter’s year-end finances, review accomplishments, plan for the new year, review the membership report, and formally call for proposed changes to the Bylaws.
4. A quorum shall be defined for the purposes of the Board to take action shall consist of the majority of Board Member positions occupied at that time. A quorum for membership meetings shall consist of the Full Members who are present.
5. At all meetings of the Board, proxies are not permitted.
6. Parliamentary Authority: The current edition of “Robert’s Rules of Order” shall be used as a reference for procedure at all membership and board meetings when not in conflict with these Bylaws. Failure to comply with “Robert’s Rules of Order shall not invalidate or adversely affect any action taken in good faith by the Board.
ARTICLE VII: Amendments to the Bylaws and the Rules and Regulations.
1. Any member in good standing and entitled to vote who has a new article to propose or a suggestion to alter an existing article in the Bylaws, must present it to the Board and membership in writing at the SCFHA Annual General Meeting. After discussion, the exact wording of the amendment to the article will be adopted by a majority vote of two thirds (2/3) of the votes cast by members present at the meeting, in good standing and entitled to vote.
2. The Board may add a new article, remove an existing article, or alter an existing article in the Bylaws. The proposed changes must be made available to the general membership prior to the board meeting at which the Bylaw changes will be presented and voted on by the Board.
3. Any addition or alterations to the Rules and Regulations proposed by the Board or a member in good standing and entitled to vote, shall be discussed at the Annual General Meeting, amended as deemed necessary, and adopted by a majority vote of two thirds (2/3) of the votes cast by members present at the meeting, in good standing and entitled to vote.
Bylaws of the South Central Friesian Horse Association, as amended and restated February 10, 2019