2020 FHANA “Social Distancing” Virtual Show

With the cancellation of the 2020 FHANA Inspections.  FHANA will be conducting our first ever virtual horse show.  This show is for fun with no official awards.  Each participant will receive a special award for participating to memorialize this special event.  Awards will be issued to two classes: Costume & Riding/Driving Exhibition. Each member will…

SCFHA Trail Ride

The SCFHA trail ride at the Highland Park Trailhead at Lake Lavon (northeast of Dallas) took place on October 19th, an absolutely perfect day!  Our “trail boss” Karen Rosenberg did a terrific job planning the event, drafting the informational flyer, getting the info we needed, and even taking a “test drive” …..  or rather a…


Warrior’s Prayer, Whistling Water and Assiniboine Nation, not exactly names we usually associate with Friesian horses. But they are, and in ownership of Leon and Cherie Stewart,  native American Indians by origin. In the heart of the prairie in the state of Montana, United States, they lovingly run their L-Heart-C Friesian Horse Ranch. It was…

Uldrik 457

Wes and Kylee Dunn of Pitch Black Stables in Cookeville, Tennessee are honored to announce the purchase of the one and only Uldrik 457 (Dries 421 Sport x Tsjerk 328 Sport Preferant). Uldrik 457 will be standing at Black Pearl Friesians in Rockton, Illinois in the very capable hands of Tiffany and Willem van der…